Lawn Chairs at Twilight

The croaking frogs sing a lullaby at twilight, harmonizing the pop of sticks crumbling in the campfire. Lake Superior hums beneath it all, carrying the song in waves and dancing stones, in splashes and gentle crashes. 

prologue to moonlight
summer's lasting solstice glow
stay with me awhile

I wrote this poem for the Wea’ve Written Weekly prompt at the Skeptic’s Kaddish. This week’s prompt was brought to us by Jude who asked us to meet the following criteria:

The prompt reminded me of our camping trip to Lake Superior last summer, where I took the above photo. There is something special about nature’s music that seems to come to life right as the sun sinks below the horizon. We have another camping trip planned next week, though a bit closer to home. Fingers crossed that the rain finally stops as this summer’s deluge has already flooded the garden, disappointed my pepper plants, and cancelled the boys’ T-ball practice more than once. Thunderstorms would make our camping trip less than pleasant, though I have camped in them before. I’d rate it 4/5 stars for excitement and suspense– will our tent actually blow away?!– and 0/5 stars for staying dry and joyful, for a grand total 4/10-star camping experience. Whatever the weather holds, I’m looking forward to more memories and adventures this summer! ❤️

25 thoughts on “Lawn Chairs at Twilight

  1. I love camping too! ⛺️ I enjoy the sound of rain from inside the tent. What joy listening to croaking frogs 🐸 Nice photo of your two camping chairs sitting in the quiet of the dusk . 💙

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