Paving the Way to Publishing

Since attending a writing conference in early April, I’ve been on a new track with my writing goals. I feel more focused. I have 4 finished books at the moment, and now I have a clear plan of where each is going, or at least, what I want to do with each: the cozy mystery,Continue reading “Paving the Way to Publishing”

Workshop Adventures

A few weeks ago, I got to attend the Minnesota Writing Workshop, a writing conference in the Twin Cities. I left feeling energized even if it started out with a bit of a hiccup. I signed up to pitch several agents at this conference, something I’d only done once before, at a conference 10 yearsContinue reading “Workshop Adventures”

Confident in Weakness

spite the blossoms that test the stems, tugging heavenward, daring nature’s roots. spite the bud the dissolves into airy fuzz and leaves the nest too soon. spite the leaves that crumble and wake underfoot, taking broken to the wind, to scatter their worldly dreams beyond their homes. I think one of my biggest weaknesses isContinue reading “Confident in Weakness”