Poem: Summer Brain

Whispered wonder under the apple tree.

Branches reach down gently to brush small heads,

spill emerald secrets, ivory glee,

springtime mysteries eager to be read.

Above, joyful clouds freckle shadows. Sun

light baptizes their investigation.

A zephyr sighs, twigs twirl, a gray squirrel runs,

rose-breasted robins trill near the basin.

Little eyes move on, but mom’s thoughts flounder

plucked from planners, reminders, calendars,

life’s paused bliss under blossoms of wonder,

I long for nights with light only from stars.

We don’t need life’s anxious ticking of clocks;

we could spend our days digging under rocks.

10 thoughts on “Poem: Summer Brain

  1. You are very good at poetry Sarah, in general you are a good writer I enjoyed both of your books and look forward to one you will write more!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks! I have three more books that are finished, but I’m trying to figure out the traditional publishing route, rather than self-publishing, and it takes me a long time with lots of research lol. I have plans this summer to get more writing-related work done, though! 🙂

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